The Bank of East Asia


Key Features

Our technologically innovative Cyberbanking service incorporates value-added services and features to enhance your electronic banking experience. Through one Cyberbanking account, you can access up to 12 related accounts and enjoy a wide range of electronic banking services anytime, anywhere.

Services at a glance:
  • Account overview
  • Fund transfers
  • Bill payments
  • Remittances
  • Stock trading
  • Time deposits
  • Report loss of ATM card
  • Mobile banking settings
  • Electronic messages
  • Interest rate and exchange rate enquiries
  • Cheque book requisition
  • Register for a DSF tax refund or other payments

Please call our Customer Services Hotline on +853 2833 5511, or visit BEA Macau Branch to open an account.

Log in to Cyberbanking